Feast of the Prophet Moses

Feast of the Prophet Moses

Celebrated on August 5


According to the Torah, he is the prophet and leader of the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt "the land of slavery", and an important lawgiver. The Ten Commandments that you find engraved on two tablets in Mount Horeb come at the top of the monuments associated with it, which constitute the most prominent legislative basis in the Judeo-Christian heritage. Moses belongs to the tribe of Levi bin Yaqoub, and when he was born and spent his childhood and youth in Egypt in the care of the Pharaoh's family, he was called: the Egyptian man. His older brother Aaron was a prophet like him, and his assistant in his message, and the founder of the Jewish priestly dynasty that continued until the reign of King Solomon and then on the rank of Aaron until his descendants until the collapse of the Second Temple in the first century AD. Moses left his caliphate in the leadership of the Children of Israel to Joshua bin Nun based on a divine order. The Torah attributes to Moses a multitude of miracles, such as splitting the Red Sea, the staff that turned into a serpent, and striking Egypt with the ten plagues. Moses died at the age of one hundred and twenty years.